In article 22898278.116.1335803019761.JavaMail.geo-discussion-forums@yncd3,
On Saturday, April 28, 2012 7:51:53 AM UTC-4, dave wrote:
On 04/27/2012 02:13 PM, DhiaDuit wrote:
Whatchoo think about that, doggy?
///More Guns, Less Crime. Buy One, Hide One. WOO WOO WOOF!///
Yeah doggy, you got that Right.
No shootings here yet this year. A couple stabbings down by the river;
old sick people killing themselves 'cause they can't afford the bills;
the usual.
Pretty quiet over here in the last few weeks . The only unusual murder this year
(relatively speaking) was due to a non-paying roommate ,whose partly
dismembered body was stuffed in a kitchen fridge... Pretty stern warning
to others,I guess...
So now Western Washington is now weirder than California?
Survivalist whack job shoots the family dog and cat, and wife and
daughter. And splashed gas around the house and then heads for his bunker
in the woods. But the fire department got there too soon and the sheriff
got some pictures off his computer (that didn't burn up) indicating the
rough location of his 8 year project. So they helicopter in the SWAT
team, (some of whom ended up getting treated for hypothermia/exposure),
and they found him by smelling the woodsmoke. At which time he blew
his brains out.
All the scriptwriters for CSI have to do is change the names.
Mark Zenier
Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)