On May 23, 10:28*am, DhiaDuit wrote:
Oick, sure and begorrah, ever since I was a kid I have owned other dogs before. One of them was a Cocker Spaniel that I named Tom Dooley, that old Tom Dooley song.Way back in December 1969 I worked night shift at a Burger King to earn some extra Christmas money. One night I brought one of those burgers home for Tom Dooley. That dog didn't touch that Burger King burger. That proves dogs are smarter than people.
'Member it well, DD. Kingston Trio - Hang down ya' head Tom Dooley,
hang down ya' head 'n cry ... po' boy ya' bound ta' die.
So wazzit a whopper you brung him? If it won't no whopper then ain't
no wonder he didn't touch it. He would of et a whopper if he knowed a
good burger when he seen one. Ain't never seen no dawg turn down no
whopper. You?