On Fri, 1 Jun 2012 18:19:21 -0500, "Ric Trexell" wrote:
It seems when I listen to shortwave now days on my little Grundig 400 Yacht
Boy, there is very little on. I'm wondering what you think will become of
SW. Will countries someday start broadcasting more and more? Will the
freqs go to some other high tech device or will it just be religious
broadcasts and the radical guys that keep telling us that the guys in
Washington and Brussels are going to lock us up? I used to hope for a
really nice SW radio someday, but now you have to hunt for an English
broadcast and then it only lasts for a hour or so. With the European
nations backrupt, I doubt they will be spending money on radio in the near
future. What do you say?
Here is a start. Book stores are coming back and so will shortwave.
English shortwave broadcasts to the Americas sorted by time
Relay site codes: ae-United Arab Emirates, al-Albania, ar-Armenia,
as-Ascension, au-Austria, bt-Botswana, ca-Sackville Canada, ch-China,
cu-Cuba, cy-Cyprus, fg-French Guiana, fr-France, ge-Germany,
gr-Greenville USA, ka-Kazakhstan, ko-South Korea, ku-Kuwait, li-Lithuania,
ma-Madagascar, ml-Mali, mo-Moldova, nm-North Mariana Islands, om-Oman,
pa-Palau, ph-Philippines, ro-Romania, ru-Russia, rw-Rwanda,
sa-Sao Tome e Principe, se-Seychelles, si-Singapore, sl-Sri Lanka, sp-Spain,
ta-Taiwan,th-Thailand, tj-Tajikistan, uk-United Kingdom, uz-Uzbekistan,
va-Santa Maria Vatican, wr-WRMI USA, wy-WYFR USA, za-South Africa
Notes -- Days of week: Su-Sunday, M-Monday, Tu-Tuesday, W-Wednesday,
Th-Thursday, F-Friday, Sa-Saturday, exW-except Wednesday
Target areas: Af-Africa, Am-America, As-Asia, Eu-Europe, LA-Latin America,
ME-Middle East, NA-North America, Oc-Oceania/Australia; Other: alt-alternate
frequency, drm-Digital Radio Mondiale, occ-occasional use, se-Special English
This page was last updated by Ernest Riley on May 23, 2012. Version A12v04
UTC Time Notes Country Station Frequencies
0000-0030 NA Egypt R. Cairo 6270
0000-0045 LA U. S. A. WYFR 11650
0000-0056 NA Romania R. Romania Int'l 9700, 11965
0000-0100 Am Spain R. Ext. Espana 6055
0000-0100 NA Thailand R. Thailand 15275
0000-0100 NA, Tu-Sa U. S. A. WHRI 5920
0000-0100 LA, Su,M U. S. A. WHRI 7315
0000-0100 NA U. S. A. Wld Univ Network 13845
0000-0100 NA U. S. A. WWCR1 6875
0000-0100 NA U. S. A. WWRB 3215
0000-0100 NA U. S. A. WWRB 9385
0000-0157 NA China China R. Int'l 6020al, 9570al
0000-0200 Am Russia V. of Russia 9800, 9665mo
0000-0230 Am, Sa U. S. A. WBCQ 5110
0000-0300 Am, Su,M U. S. A. WBCQ 5110
0000-0300 NA U. S. A. WYFR 6115
0000-0400 Am U. S. A. WBCQ 7490
0000-0400 LA U. S. A. WINB 9265
0000-0500 NA U. S. A. WWRB 5050
0000-0505 NA, Su,M Canada CBCNQ 9625
0000-0900 LA Guyana V. of Guyana 3290
0000-1000 Am Anguilla Wld Univ Network 6090
0000-1200 NA U. S. A. WWCR3 4840
0000-1300 NA,Eu,Af U. S. A. WTWW 5755
0000-1400 LA U. S. A. WRMI 9955
0000-2200 Am, M-F U. S. A. WBCQ 9330
0000-2300 Am, Sa-Su U. S. A. WBCQ 9330
0000-2400 NA U. S. A. AFRTS 5446.5 USB, 7811 USB,
12133.5 USB
0000-2400 NA Canada CFRX 6070
0000-2400 NA Canada CFVP 6030
0000-2400 NA Canada CKZN 6160
0000-2400 NA Canada CKZU 6160
0000-2400 NA U. S. A. WTJC 9370
0030-0100 NA, Tu-Sa Serbia Int'l R. Serbia 9685
0100-0128 NA Vietnam V. of Vietnam 6175ca
0100-0157 NA China China R. Int'l 9580cu, 9790ca
0100-0200 NA, Tu-Sa Canada CBCNQ 9625
0100-0200 NA, Tu-Sa U. S. A. WHRI 5920, 9860
0100-0200 NA, M U. S. A. WHRI 9605
0100-0230 NA U. S. A. KJES 7555
0100-0500 NA Cuba R. Havana Cuba 6000, 6050
0100-0500 NA, Sa U. S. A. WWCR4 5890
0100-0900 NA U. S. A. WWCR1 3215
0100-1200 NA,As U. S. A. WWRB 3185
0130-0200 NA, Tu-Su Albania R. Tirana 7425
0130-0200 LA,Tu-Sa,seU. S. A. V. of America 7465gr, 9820gr
0200-0215 Am Croatia V. of Croatia 9925ge
0200-0230 NA Thailand R. Thailand 15275
0200-0300 LA South Korea KBS World R. 9580
0200-0300 NA Taiwan R. Taiwan Int'l 5950wy, 9680wy
0200-0300 NA,Tu-Sa Argentina RAE 11710
0200-0300 NA, Tu-Sa U. S. A. WHRI 9860
0200-0300 LA U. S. A. WYFR 5985
0200-0330 NA Egypt R. Cairo 9315
0200-0400 NA Russia V. of Russia 15425
0200-0400 LA Russia V. of Russia 9665mo
0230-0258 NA Vietnam V. of Vietnam 6175ca
0250-0320 Am Vatican City Vatican R. 6040ca, 7305ca, 9610ca
0300-0355 NA, Eu Turkey V. of Turkey 9515
0300-0356 NA Romania R. Romania Int'l 9645, 11795
0300-0357 NA China China R. Int'l 9690sp, 9790cu
0300-0400 NA Taiwan R. Taiwan Int'l 5950wy
0300-0400 NA, Tu-F U. S. A. WHRI 7385
0300-0400 LA U. S. A. WYFR 11740
0300-0505 NA, Tu-Sa Canada CBCNQ 9625
0330-0358 LA Vietnam V. of Vietnam 6175ca
0330-0427 NA Iran VOIRI (VO Justice)11920, 13650
0400-0457 LA North Korea V. of Korea 11735, 13760, 15180
0400-0500 NA China China R. Int'l 6020ca, 6080ca
0400-0600 NA Russia V. of Russia 15425
0500-0530 NA Japan R. Japan 6110ca
0500-0557 NA China China R. Int'l 6020ca, 6190ca
0500-0600 NA Taiwan R. Taiwan Int'l 5950wy
0500-0700 NA, LA Cuba R. Havana Cuba 6010, 6050, 6060, 6125
0500-1100 NA U. S. A. Overcomer Minsitry5890
0500-1100 NA,Eu U. S. A. WTWW 12100
0600-0630 LA Czech Republic R. Prague 9955wr
0630-0645 LA, M-F Vatican City Vatican R. 9955wr
0900-0930 LA, M-Sa Czech Republic R. Prague 9955wr
0900-1100 NA U. S. A. WWCR1 6875
0900-2200 LA Guyana V. of Guyana 5950
1000-1057 LA North Korea V. of Korea 11710, 15180
1000-1100 LA, Su U. S. A. WHRI 7315
1000-1157 NA China China R. Int'l 6040ca
1000-2200 Am Anguilla Wld Univ Network 11775
1100-1110 LA Venezuela R Nac Venezuela 6060cu
1100-1157 NA China China R. Int'l 11750ca
1100-1400 NA, Sa Canada CBCNQ 9625
1100-1400 LA, Su U. S. A. WINB 9265
1100-1600 NA, Su Canada CBCNQ 9625
1100-2100 NA U. S. A. WWCR1 15825
1200-1215 LA Vatican City Vatican R. 13730ca
1200-1230 NA Japan R. Japan 6120ca
1200-1300 NA South Korea KBS World R. 9650ca
1200-1300 NA, Su-F U. S. A. WHRI 9795
1200-1800 NA, Su U. S. A. WWCR3 13845
1200-2000 NA, M-Sa U. S. A. WWCR3 13845
1200-2400 NA U. S. A. WWRB 9385
1300-1357 NA China China R. Int'l 9570cu, 9650ca, 15260ca
1300-1357 NA North Korea V. of Korea 9335, 11710
1300-1400 NA, Su U. S. A. WHRI 9840
1300-1500 NA U. S. A. KJES 11715
1300-1730 NA, M-F Canada CBCNQ 9625
1300-2400 NA,Eu U. S. A. WTWW 9479
1400-1500 NA, Sa U. S. A. WHRI 9840
1400-1557 NA China China R. Int'l 13740cu
1400-1600 NA, Sa-Su U. S. A. WRMI 9955
1400-1700 Am, Sa U. S. A. WBCQ 15420
1400-1700 LA, Sa-Su U. S. A. WINB 9265
1400-2000 NA U. S. A. Overcomer Minsitry9980
1400-2200 NA U. S. A. WJHR 15550
1500-1557 NA North Korea V. of Korea 9335, 11710
1500-1600 NA,Eu, Su U. S. A. WHRI 17510
1500-2300 NA, Sa Canada CBCNQ 9625
1600-1800 NA, Su U. S. A. WHRI 9840
1600-2400 LA, Sa-Su U. S. A. WRMI 9955
1700-2100 Am U. S. A. WBCQ 15420
1700-2100 LA U. S. A. WINB 13570
1800-1900 NA, Sa-Su U. S. A. WHRI 9840
1800-2100 NA, Su Canada CBCNQ 9625
1800-2100 NA, Eu Kuwait R. Kuwait 15540
1800-2400 NA, Su U. S. A. Wld Univ Network 13845
1900-2000 LA Cuba R. Havana Cuba 11760
1900-2000 NA U. S. A. WHRI 9840, 21630
1900-2300 Am, Sa U. S. A. WBCQ 7490
1945-2030 Am Vatican City Vatican R. 9800ca drm
2000-2100 NA U. S. A. Disco Palace 17755fg drm
2000-2100 NA,Eu, Su U. S. A. WHRI 17510
2000-2200 Am, M-F U. S. A. WBCQ 7490
2000-2400 NA, M-Sa U. S. A. Wld Univ Network 13845
2030-2056 NA Romania R. Romania Int'l 13800, 15220
2100-2130 NA,Eu, Su U. S. A. WHRI 17510
2100-2200 NA,Eu, Sa U. S. A. WHRI 17510
2100-2257 NA Belgium TDP Radio 17755fg drm
2100-2300 Am, Su U. S. A. WBCQ 7490
2100-2400 LA U. S. A. WINB 9265
2100-2400 NA U. S. A. WWCR1 6875
2100-2400 NA U. S. A. WWRB 3215
2130-2200 Eu,NA, Su U. S. A. WHRI Cumbre DX 17510
2200-2255 NA, Eu Turkey V. of Turkey 9830
2200-2300 NA, Su Canada CBCNQ 9625
2200-2300 Am Russia V. of Russia 9800
2200-2300 Am, M-F U. S. A. WBCQ 7490, 9330
2200-2300 NA, F U. S. A. WHRI 13610
2200-2400 LA Guyana V. of Guyana 3290
2200-2400 NA,Eu, Sa U. S. A. WHRI 11775
2200-2400 Am Anguilla Wld Univ Network 6090
2215-2230 LA Croatia V. of Croatia 9925ge
2230-2300 NA, Su-Th Moldova R. PMR 9665
2230-2400 NA U. S. A. WYFR 6115
2300-2330 Am Vatican City Vatican R. 9755 drm
2300-2357 LA China China R. Int'l 5990cu
2300-2400 NA Canada CBCNQ 9625
2300-2400 NA China China R. Int'l 6145ca, 11840ca
2300-2400 NA Egypt R. Cairo 6270
2300-2400 LA Cuba R. Havana Cuba 5040
2300-2400 Am Russia V. of Russia 9800, 9665mo
2300-2400 Am U. S. A. WBCQ 7490, 9330
2300-2400 Am, Sa-Su U. S. A. WBCQ 5110
2300-2400 LA, Su-F U. S. A. WHRI 7315
2300-2400 LA U. S. A. WYFR 11580, 15255
This shortwave schedule list is intended for personal use only. Any other use
without giving credit to or getting permission from Daniel Sampson,
, and giving credit to the Prime Time Shortwave
website is strictly prohibited.