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Old June 27th 04, 11:27 PM
Roger Sparks
Posts: n/a

Hi Tom,

You are correct about the QST reference. The article is entitled "A
DoppleScAnt" by Terrence Rogers, WA4BVY.

The article is very positive about the method.

Your generosity should be much appreciated by someone.

73, Roger, W7WKB

"Tom Bruhns" wrote in message
Hi all...

Continuing my downsizing. Free for pickup in the Seattle/Everett
area: my homebrew doppler scanning DF antenna system, including the
antenna structure, control box with compass rose LED readout, and
cables. Worked well the last time I used it a few years ago. I
believe the article describing this system was in May 1978 QST.


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