Problem is many US companies have the spam created here in us and the
sent to the internet from servers located overseas so they are untouchable
from us laws etc..
You are correct, many people have unprotected computers with outdated
o/s and or no virus software.
Example is at my university they processed a weeks worth of email in 24 hours
due to that nasty virus that was going around a few months ago. Our mainframe
ftp server gets requests from almost every pc on the campus that is infected,
campus net can't or won't pull the plug on their ip address.
Best thing I can suggest is check out following sites and get protected. lots of info no charge and learn how to protect your pc. no charge ad aware v 6.0
finds and then removes many types of spy ware and ad tracking software that
is installed when you visit websites (without your knowledge or permission !)
99 perecent of this attrocious rubbish originates in the United States of
America, the land of the free.
Can't you get Bush to do something about it?
I can do no better than speed-read the subject lines and dump everything
unless the subject matter is OBVIOUSLY something of interst to me.
SWR or Old Wives is OK
Female or male teenagers at my time of life are not.
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Regards from Reg, G4FGQ
For Free Radio Design Software go to
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Congress is considering just such a law. Unfortunatly they all went home
for the holidays.
Keep a stiff upper lip. I went to Earthlink. Stopped them cold.