On Thursday, June 14, 2012 5:45:40 PM UTC-7, Brenda Ann wrote:
wrote in message
You're insulting queers of all types.
PeTA is my biggest peeve.. assholes claim they are for animal rights.. but
the fact is that they just don't want PEOPLE to have animals. What a
of crap. Rather than allow perfectly healthy cats and dogs to go to loving
homes, they actually have PAID to get them out of shelters and then KILLED
them right there in the parking lot.
Hypocritical *******s like these need to be JAILED.
Jeez.. now I'm gonna have a sour stomach all day.. 
And all these years I thought you were one of the more intelligent
individuals in this newsgroup. Thank you for dissuading me of my erroneous
assessment Brenda Ann.
Pray tell... how do you come to that conclusion? Is there something logical
that I'm missing in people that claim to be for animal rights, yet kill
those self-same animals rather than allowing them to have a caring home?
Mind you, I'm not against EVERYTHING that PeTA believes: I agree with their
basic stand against animals being used to test cosmetics. Also, I agree to
some extent with their stand against circuses using captured animals. I say
to some extent because as long as those animals are treated properly, they
are safer in a circus than being hunted out of existence in their natural
PeTA's treatment of domesticated animals is, however, appalling. These
creatures, if not allowed to remain in domestic situations, don't do well..
They fight for resources amongst one another and against feral creatures in
the environment. Add to this, if they are left to their own devices in such
a way, we (the imperial "we") will consider them pests and capture and/or
kill them. So, is PeTA simply trying to cut out the middle man and kill them
Or, are you debating the well chronicled fact that PeTA indeed does these
I await your response (I'm not one of those that simply states an opinion
and then tells everyone that disagrees to f*** off.. )
I would also make it clear that PETA's behavior toward shelter animals and pets appears to represent a minority view at this time among animal activists (myself included). There are now many groups who advocate no-kill shelters and non-euthanasia except for terminally sick and unhappy animals. Moreover, there are literally millions of individuals who work hard for either animal welfare or animal liberation no matter where the animals are what they are (myself included). Justice and fairness for all, regardless of species.
I would even guess that many (maybe most) PETA members do not share the apparent philosophy of the current leadership.
I am not saying you are doing this, but please do not lump us all into one group, and Dhia Duit, be quite aware that I am not queer, although even if I was, it would be an irrelevant issue.
Bruce Jensen, opponent of *all* abuse, *all* incarceration of animals and all unnecessary killing.