Thread: '73 Magazine'?
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Old July 10th 04, 06:25 PM
Gary S.
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 12:19:33 -0400, Ken Scharf

Terry wrote:
Many thanks to all who replied.
I found the article describing the decision to cease publishing; but
searching could not found a source for any CDs.
CDs would presumably be a very compact way to store 73 literature. Any URLS?
Thanks again. Terry.

I wouldn't be too suprised if the ARRL someday started offering
CD's of 73. They got a hold of all the old HamRadio mag's on
CD (I thought CQ would get the rights to them. Maybe CQ will
get the rights to 73 if the ARRL doesn't).

I agree.

Probably all tied up in the Chapter 7 process right now, but the
rights to selling back issues, on paper or on CD, would be a saleable
asset of the magazine.

It may take a couple of years for them to be sold to an outfit which
would be able to publish them, but there is certainly enough interest
in a narrow market to make it worth someone's while.

In theory, someone could also buy the rights to the magazine itself,
and restart publishing 73.

Happy trails,
Gary (net.yogi.bear)
at the 51st percentile of ursine intelligence

Gary D. Schwartz, Needham, MA, USA
Please reply to: garyDOTschwartzATpoboxDOTcom