Poynting vector
wrote in message
Ian wrote:
Hello Jimp.
Did you put an apostrophe in the wrong place ("it's" should be "its") or
we have a wild, roving electron making its presence known? :-
73, Ian.
Oh, I am forever screwing up it's/its when I'm typing fast and not
particularly thinking about what I am writting; i.e. when responding to
Polish morons and spending as little time as possible on it.
Hello Jimp. I still prefer to think of it as an electron doing its own
thing for independence.
Seems to me that most of the postings from Szczepan tend to be
copy-and-paste ones rather than "original thought" ones. I suspect he is an
old East European having a laugh at us Westerners but I wouldn't dispute the
other Ian's suggestion that we're dealing with a Turing test.
Is a moron akin to a proton?
73, Ian.