"Ian White, G3SEK" wrote in message
Gregg wrote:
Behold, Tim Wescott signalled from keyed 4-1000A filament:
There's just not enough VHF homebrew out there!
IMHO, we can thank that no-code licence that restricts you to
commercially-made equipment for this.
There is actually a lot of HB associated with VHF, but the effort just
doesn't happen to go into building QRP transceivers.
Code proficiency is totally irrelevant to that. Some of this country's
most advanced VHF homebrewers have held a no-code licence for over 30
years. The same is true in Germany, France and several other European
Ah, but according to his URL Greg is in Canada, where IIRC the no-code
licence does NOT allow homebrew transmitters.