Cobra 139 XLR help
On Thursday, August 9, 2012 9:12:50 AM UTC-4, Channel Jumper wrote:
a2phil;794670 Wrote:
I recently bought a Cobra 139 XLR at a garage sale for $15. The guy
didn't have an antenna for it, so I couldn't check TX/RX, right then,
but it lit up and didn't LOOK like it's seen the "golden screwdriver"
(no extra switches, no missing/stripped out screws or knobs, no holes in
the case, etc...I've always been told to STAY AWAY from those radios
unless you know the person who did it and you know they know what
they're doing)and I've seen the "it lights up, but I don't know what's
wrong with it" ones go on eBay for $40+, so I bought it. I took it home,
and found that the radio receives GREAT (TONS of skip with an indoor
antenna!!) but no transmit (meters dim and deflect momentarily, but no
"dead key" even with whistling) No power out indicated on my watt meter..
Is there an easy and/or cheap fix for this? Can you still find the
needed part(s) for this 35+/- year old radio?
The components are all surface mount.
If you can read the schematic's and if you can solder and if you have
the proper tools to do the proper measurements - you can repair it
The problem is with a $15 radio - you probably aren't going to spend
$50.00 to repair it...
Channel Jumper
I have a friend that I could borrow a multimeter (and maybe a soldering iron) from, I'm just worried how much the parts could cost, and if IS the finals (I'm thinking most likely) can they be found?? For a 35 +/- year old radio, it's in pretty good shape otherwise.