On 04/09/2012 12:13, Ian Jackson wrote:
In message , gareth
I have one of these in unmodified condition.
Before I wreck it (WWII Gee Navigation RF Unit) for the
tuning condensers and slow-motion drive, is it of value
as a radio antique?
If it is, and you want it, what would you offer in exchange?
Like much of the highly-prized equipment which was on sale in the 50s
and 60s, it is (as it is) essentially useless in the modern world. It
it's complete and in good condition, it would certainly be of interest
as a 'collectible'. While it would seem be a shame to break up a
piece of history, some of the 'bits' - if recycled - are just as
functional today as they ever were, and would be of use to an
old-fashioned experimenter. It's certainly a difficult decision what
to do with such things.
You could list it on:
If not already done so. A number of the guys there delight in getting
WW2 stuff together.