July 20th 04, 01:21 AM
On 19 Jul 2004 15:38:46 -0700, (Mike Silva)
"David J Windisch" wrote in message ...
This is hilarious. The OP asked a question. And asks it again:
What's the nomenclature for that sweep tube, produced just for
Admiral TVs
years ago, that's heavier-duty than any of the other tubes?
I thought it was 6MJ6 -- but, no. It has an *octal* base.
So what kind of base does your mystery tube have?
Ah, nevermind. I see now that the "it" in your question is not the
6MJ6, but your mystery tube...
perhaps it is just a silly request when he has nothing else to talk
about, it might be 6JS6, 6KD6, or perhaps it was 6JM6.... and
6JM6 GE Vacuum Radio Tubes is offered on internet and the
Current Price: $0.99
so, when 100 persons have commented, it might be a better idea to read
the type number on the glass again and tell us which type the question
was about???
J. M. Noeding, LA8AK, N-4623 Kristiansand