On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 somebody from "over there" wrote:
"Someone" mentioned this tube in a post "somewhere" several years ago. I've
searched archives for faulty-memory-recollections of the nomenclature, to no
It might have been a hoax, or perhaps problem with memory - not the
For latecomer Noeding: I'd like to get enough of them to experiment with
no-tune techniques, which might be practical with plate voltage around 600
and plate current of 4 or 5 amps. The "hilarious" comment referred to plain
old thread-wander ;o)
Well, I'd still endorse the idea of using 807, it is not so many other
6.3V tubes with the same socket, so you are more certain which type
goes there, and not at least - it was once mentioned water-cooling
(QST 1951??) - probably a good idea for those of you who like to tune
for very long periods to get the last microwatt into the antenna
73, jm
J. M. Noeding, LA8AK, N-4623 Kristiansand