Originally Posted by Tim Wescott
Answering Robb's question made me think of a very mild puzzler:
Can you think of a way to connect up an octal tube socket so that no
matter what orientation a pair of crystals is put into it you'll still
have two switchable crystals (no forcing pins allowed -- only schemes
where the crystal goes into receptacle 1 & 3, 2 & 4, etc.).
And, after you exercise the dozen brain cells that it takes to answer
that question -- did anyone do it in a production radio, or publish it in
a magazine, that you know of?
My liberal friends think I'm a conservative kook.
My conservative friends think I'm a liberal kook.
Why am I not happy that they have found common ground?
Tim Wescott, Communications, Control, Circuits & Software
Hi OM Tim,
I have done it only for 1 FT-243 crystal, pluggable any which way in an octal socket but still getting connected.
It's built into a Quartz Crystal Tester I homebrewed.
Here's the link.