Netanyahu Claims Iran Approaching Nuke Advancement 20 Years AfterTelling Same Lie
Speaking to NBC’s "Meet the Press" on Sunday, Jew PM Netanyahu
said Iran is close to developing the enriched uranium needed for a
nuclear weapon.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "So I think that as
they [Iran] get closer and closer and closer to the achievement of
weapons-grade material — and they’re very close, they’re six months
away from being about 90 percent of having the enriched uranium for an
atom bomb — I think that you have to place that red line before them
now, before it’s too late. We have to stop them. Don’t rely on
containment. That is not the American policy. It would be wrong. It
would be a grave, grave mistake. Don’t let these fanatics have nuclear
weapons. It’s terrible for Israel, and it’s terrible for America. It’s
terrible for the world."
Despite his warning of a six-month window before Iran advances its
alleged nuclear weapons program, this wasn’t the first time Netanyahu
has made such a prediction. In 1992 — 20 years ago — Netanyahu said
that Iran was just three to five years from developing a nuclear
weapon and urged U.S.-led international action to stop the purported
Is lying, deception and treachery in these people's DNA? Can they
help themselves? Should they actually be objects of our pity instead
of loathing? Just asking.