On 9/18/2012 11:48 PM, Truth Teller wrote:
[...] Despite his warning of a six-month window before Iran advances its
alleged nuclear weapons program, this wasn’t the first time Netanyahu
has made such a prediction. In 1992 — 20 years ago — Netanyahu said
that Iran was just three to five years from developing a nuclear
weapon and urged U.S.-led international action to stop the purported
Is lying, deception and treachery in these people's DNA?
And there's definitely something wrong with the people who keep
believing all their lies, too.
Now they're about to whip the morons into a murderous rage against
yet _another_ totally innocent nation.
Wake up, pawns.
What country possesses the most gigantic stockpile of "weapons of
mass destruction"? -- and what country has been using them
continuously for a decade, invading and bombing and occupying and
engineering bloody revolutions in at least half a dozen countries
that were absolutely no threat whatsoever, based on the most
transparent media lies imaginable, engineered by the richest
national/ethnic group on this planet (one which, despite its wealth,
wants _us_ to fight its wars)?
Iran's response to all this carnage and killing and purely evil
war-making on all these nations, many of which are right on or
nearly on its borders, and to the threats of war against them for
their provably nonexistent nuclear weapons (which they have every
right to develop should they decide to do so), has been almost
unbelievably restrained.
Wake up, pawns. There's blood not only all over your hands. You're
covered with it. Especially your eyes.
With all good wishes,
Kevin Alfred Strom.