Thread: Sweep tube
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Old July 22nd 04, 06:02 AM
Laura Halliday
Posts: n/a

(Mike Silva) wrote in message . com...
"David J Windisch" wrote in message ...
The point is, that I don't know what the nomenclature is, and asked for help
with it in the OP.

A quick google on admiral "sweep tube" turned it up: 6LW6. The post
was by Tom, W8JI in 2000.

I just had a look in a couple of references from the
1980s, and the studliest sweep tube mentioned in
the Component Data section of the 1985 ARRL Handbook
is 6MH6, 38.5 watts plate dissipation. Amateur Radio
Techniques (RSGB) mentions 6LF6 (40 watts) and quotes
typical values for tubes like 6HF5 and 6JE6 in ICAS
RF service, both class C and AB1, courtesy Sylvania.

It also mentions that most of these tubes were made
with weird filament voltages for series-string tv
sets. The weird voltage variants are comparatively
plentiful, while the 6.3 volt versions have become
scarce for many types. As a British book it cites
the example of EL509/EL519 (6.3 volt filament), a
scarce tube even then, versus PL509/PL519 (40 volt,
300 mA), readily available.

Reminds me of the black and white Admiral tv set we
had when I was growing up. The horizontal output/damper
tube was a 38HE7. The one that came with the set lasted
years. Once that let go, it ate a replacement every 6
months or so. We finally scrapped it when the picture
tube's emission got too low.

Laura Halliday VE7LDH "Que les nuages soient notre
Grid: CN89mg pied a terre..."
ICBM: 49 16.05 N 122 56.92 W - Hospital/Shafte