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Old August 6th 04, 10:49 AM
Airy R. Bean
Posts: n/a

Perhaps making believe that others are listening to you
is a minor variation on sitting in the bog with a box of
tissues and a magazine full of pictures of nude women;
or buying your station off-the-shelf and pretending that
you're a Radio Ham?

"capndan" wrote in message
I am not, NOT mind you, an electronic whiz. In fact, I'm just starting
to get into this hobby/phenom. But it occured to me...why not set up
solar powered REPEATER STATIONS at 1/2 mile intervals around my base
LPAM transmitter. Wouldn't that effectively enable me to cover about 5
square miles with a mini-am signal-network? Solar powered panels atop
a small box that has both a receiver board and transmitter and
re-transmits the signal coming from my base station. About the size of
a pack of cigs I would figure. Heck, I could just tie-wrap them
inconspicously around a tree branch here and there. Just a thought.
There's got to be a way.
I'm a 'retired' radio dj. I was on the air for the better part of 20
years and I am excited at the possibility of doing a radio show from my
home on, say AM1700. Why not?