Thread: Metric PL259?
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Old August 11th 04, 03:18 PM
Andrew VK3BFA
Posts: n/a

"Airy R. Bean" wrote in message ...
Another contributor, "Jeff", has intimated that PL259's
are available in metric form.

Is this true?

If so, how does one find out which version of the SO239
is fitted to equipment?

Is the modern (say, more recent than 10 years old) Jap
gear fitted with these later plugs?

When one buys plugs and sockets from the rallies, which
ones is one getting?

Presumably there's no such thing as metric plugs in Yankland?

Interesting - and answered in some of the less abusive postings
further down (thank you) - had the same experience, I bought a heap of
pre-made patch leads with PL259 plugs each end, but they wouldnt screw
down to all the so239 sockets in the workshop - didnt really think
about it, just put it down to lousy quality control (they were only $2
each) so binned them. Never knew there were two standards before.....
73 de VK3BFA Andrew