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Old December 16th 03, 05:19 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Yuri Blanarovich wrote:
According to ON4UN - linear loading can be made virtually loss free (pg
9-39). Can't do that with coils.

Why not? You can get less ohmic losses from less wire (tubing) in the coil than
from the stub. We just went through long argument about current in the loading
coils. People that replaced loading stubs with loading coils in say KLM 3 el.
80m antennas, found better efficiency and improvement on the pattern. Reality,
not a "calculated truth" :-)

Yep, completely understandable since the resistance of a coil goes up
proportional to the number of turns and the inductance of a coil goes
up (nearly) proportional to the square of the number of turns.
73, Cecil

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