Desert Rat Dilemma
Hello to all,
As I approach senility I keep on having problems like the following:
I notice on the Desert Rat PDF file, DR2, that a short note states
that the coil should be wound around the PCB. I have never heard of
doing this before but it hardly matters as I had planned on building
this circuit on perfboard or Manhatten style, and using my usual pill
bottle as the coil form.
But now I am curious. Is there a board available for this project? I
would like to know this method of winding a coil on a PCB as it might
come in handy for a future project.
Or, have I just made an idiot of myself for misunderstanding how this
simple coil should be wound? I am sure I will have many who will be
glad to point this out to me.
73 and good wishes to all de WA2AFD