On Saturday, April 25, 1998 2:00:00 AM UTC-5, Redeye wrote:
I just recieved a updated price list from one of suppliers, They
mentioned a Ranger RCI-2960? I was told it was a downgrade from a
RCI-2970, anyone seen one of these yet?
also, anyone seen or got any pics scanned of that Texas Ranger 6900
(with or without Frequency counter)?
I'm just curious to know what the heck all this new stuff looks like!
:-) also, what about this Superstar 33V? anyone seen one yet?
Evermore asking questions,
P.S. I might not get the chance to read this group, as I'm quite busy
these days, (it's the weekend, that's why I even posted in here) so, if
you'll reply in private e-mail, I'll be sure and read it then
Chuck's 2 Way Radio Service and CB Radio Sales
the 2960 is not an RCI product. This model was manufactured by Ranger as a special private label radio that accidentally had the RCI name printed on the radio. This proved to be rather confusing within the market place to customers. To lessen the confusion and clear up that area, RCI acquired the remaining 2960F radios (not the 2960's) and marketed them on a limited availability basis, with full warranty from Ranger. The radios were functionally & electronically identical to the TR-6900FJB ( replaced by the RCI-6900 Series ) with the case appearance similar to the TR-296F.