"Bob D." wrote in message

TVM - I'm looking for something that has a LOUD continuity tester. (I've
across too many meters that you can barely hear.) I don't need
and I'm tired of changing batteries. Are there any models that run on AC?
(Turn it on, and leave it on is my motto.)
Clamp on DC ammeter - Are there any models that go down to milliamp range?
Soldering Iron - I'm looking for something decent that won't burn up tips
when left on for hours on end. I would also like interchangeable tips to
range from heavy duty to fine soldering.
Any on-line vendors to order this stuff from?
Bob Donahue, ND9B
Bob -
You need to use a temperature controlled soldering station (period)
The Haako 936 has already been mentioned -- I actually do not own one.
I use the Weller TCP series which has been around for 50 years -- and is
very easy to repair.
Many list members use it from surface mount (1/32" conical tip) to
boatanchor repair (1/8" screwdriver tip)
Collins used them when Weller first marketed them on the assembly lines for
the Collins "S" line as well as
rework stations.
Weller / Cooper Tools introduced "their answer" to the Haako 936 18 months
ago, which is the Weller WES51.
This station is readily available for same price as Haako. Both of these
stations are available at Fry's Electronics here in Chicago.
Almost all of the Weller stations are also available at TriState Electronics
in Mt. Prospect, IL
Weller also has just started in annual "Fall Promotion" (September 1 -
December 31, 2004)
If you would like to talk to a dealer for various alternatives -
Consolidated Electronics in Dayton, OH is a good dealer for you.
Ask for Steve Coy (who is a ham and on the Dayton Hamvention committee).
Warranty repair for Weller is available in Apex, NC
If you desire one of the Weller stations I have restored or found a broken
WTCP unit you need repaired, contact me directly.