Richard Harrison wrote:
Terman says the reflected energies cancel.
Does he define, "cancel"? Energy components cannot cease to exist.
I suspect he means they engage in destructive interference which
requires a constructive interference elsewhere according to Hecht.
Equal and opposite reflected energies at the junction are a short.
A short takes the voltage to zero and doubles the current. Are you
sure that is what happens during wave cancellation?
energy can`t disappear. It does not go back toward the load. Half has
already been there. The other half has alredy been reflected by Zstub.
Only one route is left to the reflected energy, but Terman says there`s
no reflection on the generator side of the junction. Your Bird wattmeter
won`t see any reflected power. What this says is that the stub produces
an impedance match and the incident energy becomes the same as the
generator output and load energies.
Would you please publish an example?
73, Cecil
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