Putting a date on waxed or painted electrical wiring
I'm attempting to determine the approximate age of a device I have by it's wiring since there are no other identifiable marks. While it's not actually a rig (it's an old electric powered film security camera), I feel this is the appropriate place to post given the expertise of the Ham community.
At first I believed the outer coating of the wire is a waxed cotton or paper but upon closer inspection may actually be white paint or some early form of wire plasticization. This waxed or painted part is braided around a rubber wire and the rubber is translucent white in color. The wire is 14 gauge, stranded steel, one conductor.
My intuition says this is a plane or tank camera from WWII, or possibly a bank security camera but since it has no markings I cannot look it up. I have also not found anything even remotely similar in likeness anywhere on the Internet. Any insight to an age range of when this wire was used commercially would be greatly appreciated.