"Tim Wescott" wrote in message
A friend of mine is putting together a middle-school electronics lab, and
wants to get some good cheap soldering irons. I've been traumatized by
some really pitiful soldering irons so I don't just want to go price
shopping. However, since I've been using professional grade, temperature
controlled irons almost exclusively for years I can't recommend any good
cheap ones.
Can anyone recommend a soldering iron that will actually work but doesn't
cost much? I'm thinking of a rough equivalent to the Weller WP-25, but
that costs less than $20 a pop.
Thanks in advance.
Tim -
The Weller TCP series is routinely available surplus and easy to repair.
I see WTCPL, WTCPN & WTCPS systems selling on eBay for $ 25 or less --
I have seen in last 4 weeks at Chicago area hamfests -- very good WTCPS &
WTCPN stations selling for
$ 20 to $ 25 (some may lack the stand - but that is an easy fix/purchase)
The WTCPT (current production model) will usually get a few more dollars
depending upon condition.
Used bases run around $5, sometimes $ 10 for a cosmetic excellent condition
Factory and manufacturing closeouts also produce large number of soldering
stations in this price range.
New in this price range - you are left with a variety of 120 VAC stick irons
of various wattages.