Originally Posted by Tesla
I plan on purchasing a Kenwood TM-281 2 meter mobile rig. I would like to use this rig at home with a heavy duty battery. I was told to get a deep cycle marine battery. I just don't know what size battery in amps to get? Kenwood advises to use a power supply at 13.8 vdc at 14 amps if one is going to use the rig at the maximum output of 65 watts. I'm only going to use 25 watts at maximum. Any suggestions on the type or make of battery to purchase? Should i purchase a battery with maximum amps?
The amount of power you radiate is irrelevant, there is no real difference between 25 watts and 50. There is no reason to turn down the power.
When you become a ham, you will want everyone to hear you and you will want to talk to everyone. NOT JUST THE LOCAL GANG ON THE LOCAL REPEATER.
BUY yourself a power supply..
I have picked up many Astron RS 20A power supplies that worked at hamfests for about $50!
They are everywhere!
A good Deep Cycle battery will cost about $100 +
There is only about 4 manufacturers in the USA, one is DECA, I have a friend that does support work for DECA. They make the batteries for SEARS, WALMART, AUTO ZONE etc....
A good Deep Cycle battery charger is going to cost you about $70.00
It is not to your benefit to spend $170.00 to use a battery when you can buy a brand new Astron RS 35M for the same amount of money.
YOU are a HAM now!
The TECHNICIAN class license is not a stopping point, but a starting point.
YOU are going to need the larger power supply to operate a HF transceiver, which you will need when you get your GENERAL class license.
Remember - we are here to learn, when you stop learning, you stop growing.
Advance as far as you can go and you will go places in amateur radio.
Give back to amateur radio when ever possible - becomming a VE and becomming a ELMER - after you have been trained is a good start..
FIND yourself a good ELMER and have him / her show you the proper way to operate.