Latest Great Liberty Nit-Wit-Net via WB4AI0 ...
This past Saturday night, The Great Liberty Nit-Wit-Net opened
with . .
Blah blah blah
Clinton's a crook
Bush is a crook
Gore is a crook
Biden's a crook
They're all crooks
Blah blah blah.
Later in the evening, the discussion moved on to other topics
like ...
Blah blah blah
Clinton's a crook
Bush is a crook
Gore is a crook
Biden's a crook
They're all crooks
Blah blah blah.
Finally in the wee hours of Sunday morning,
The Great Liberty Nit-Wit- Net ended with ..
Blah blah blah
Clinton's a crook
Bush is a crook
Gore is a crook
Biden's a crook
They're all crooks
Blah blah blah.
Tonight at 10pm eastern time - somewhere between 3950-3980 LSB -
The Great Liberty Nit-Wit-Net will neet again.
Tune in
Check in
Be there -