In article ,
Jeff Liebermann writes:
I was given an HF vertical antenna by a local ham. My guess is that
it's at least 20+ years old.
All the identification labels have been UV bleached and are
unreadable. The donor doesn't recall the maker or model, and I can't
find anything close with Google Image search. Duz anyone recognize
this antenna?
Hustler 4BTV. If you hade the 80 Meter resonator for the top it
would be the 5BTV. Still have mine and the last time I had it up
(about 8 years ago) it still worked fine.
Bill Gunshannon | de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n. Three wolves
| and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton |
Scranton, Pennsylvania | #include std.disclaimer.h