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Old September 13th 04, 03:19 AM
Posts: n/a

"JGBOYLES" wrote in message
I am wanting to build a 24 volt power supply. The power supply needs to
be at

least 25 amp.

Hi Craig, I am sure you know you are trying to build a 625 watt power
As such, a Linear Power Supply will be large, heavy, not to mention
Unless you have a lot of high volt-amp transformers, 100,000 mfd. Caps as
as big pass transistors with heat sinks in your junk box, this will be
expensive. If you do have all this stuff, then use any Linear power
A possibly better soulition would be a Switching Power Supply. These are
easily built because of the difficulity in obtaining the components. Try
taking a look at Lambda Power Supplies, and look at Ebay selling Lambda
at a good price.

73 Gary N4AST

Gary -

Here is what Craig is looking for -- power supply for a ATV solid-state
final amplfier

"I am looking for 24 volt dc power supply that can handle a min of 18 amps.
This will be used on the new 200 watt ATV final amp. If you have one your
looking to get rid of please drop me an email with the details.
Craig N5XNQ