That pesky 7238 kHz CW signal
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September 16th 04, 05:17 PM
Posts: n/a
In article XKe2d.33770$KU5.7747@edtnps89,
Behold, gudmundur signalled from keyed 4-1000A filament:
So, like the Russian Woodpecker, just swamp it with about 10 hams
running full legal limit, and keying quickly, and randomly. Maybe you
can chase it away.
I've always wondered why it's called the "Russian" woodpecker when it's
really US Navy OTH-B RADAR???
Gregg t3h g33k
"Ratings are for transistors....tubes have guidelines"
Yes, In fact the Navy, and other groups operated American OTH radar
sites on the west coast. However, at the time (mid 70's to mid 80's)
the Russians (USSR) either had a similar OTH radar system, or, at
least realized they could key a high power array at 10hz and boone doggel
the American OTH. Perhaps the Russians had no return echo screens,
and no radar system at all, but they loved sending those annoying
clicks easterly off their eastern shores.
RDM7 1975-1996 (Moffet Naval Air Station)
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