I've built a little RF amp (for 20 meters) using a single MTP3055V
Class AB, binocular core RF transformer in the output. I drive it
a homebrew 20 meter DSB rig.
Here is the problem: The amp works fine IF I take the low pass filter
out of the circuit. I'm using a groundplane antenna with a T network
I can adjust it to make it look like 50 ohms. Without the low pass
I get a very nice clean output (looks good on a scope, and SWR is low,
so I don't think it is putting out spurs or harmonics).
But if I include the LP filter in the circuit, the amp takes off,
into an 18 Mhz oscillator!
I checked the filter with a sig generator. The cutoff freq is where
it is
supposed to be.
I've had this kind of problem before, with other amps.
Any suggestions?
73 de Bill M0HBR CU2JL N2CQR