I built a portable 2m J-Pole out of 3/4" copper pipe.
When I want to play on 2m I just drag it out of the garage, and jam it in
the ground. It's less than 10 feet tall, yet with it and my FT2600 at half
power (25w-30w) I have had QSO's with hams on repeater systems almost 100
miles away. I turn the power all the way down to a few watts when working
local repeater systems too.
Go he
You don't say you're building this for UHF/VHF, so I am making an
A great vertical for 15-40m can be found on the W2IK website. And it is
73 de KB9BVN
"WolfMan" wrote in message
I'm Limited To An Antenna On The Front Of My House. Out My Window I Made A
Simple !/4 wave Verticle Dipole. Would A 1/2 Wave Simply Be Twice The
Length, Using 462/f Mhz, And Would There Be An Advantage With A 1/2 Wave
Over a 1/4 Wave ?