On Monday, August 5, 2013 12:42:22 AM UTC-5, wrote:
On Sunday, August 4, 2013 9:38:55 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Saturday, August 3, 2013 11:34:48 PM UTC-5, DhiaDuit wrote:
On Saturday, August 3, 2013 9:59:28 PM UTC-5, wrote:
13 Wisconsin SWAT Team raid animal shelter to kill baby deer named Giggles
Is Bambi all you are worried about? Get A Life.
As you are from Mississippi I know that you are not much into "book learnin". So please have someone explain the overarching significance of this event.
For example; heavy handed police state tactics implemented by bureaucratic morons, the psychological aspect of the jack booted thugs showing decent and caring citizens exactly who is IN CHARGE, not to mention the venal cruelty involved in killing a fawn scheduled to begin her new life in a wild life sanctuary the next day. Of course none of that is of importance to you..
Have you poisoned any squirrels recently? You boasted in this newsgroup of doing that as if you were quite proud of it. Yes you are a very sad case indeed.
Just witnessed a possum lurking in the garbage not far from my house. He saw me ,got scared and ran away . Maybe he mistook me for a SWAT team member. I'll ask him next time we meet again .
Little rinky dink leanto shed in my back yard, twice before I have seen a Possum (Opossum) in there. One time I took a photo of it and I snail mailed it to that married Irish woman wayyyyy over yonder across the big pond.