Paul Burridge wrote:
The definition used by OFCOM, the UK licensing authority, contains the
same words: "The average power ... in one RF cycle at the crest of the
modulation envelope"
Hang on a minute, Ian!
I've just looked in your book and in section 6-5 you say in a passage
on Peak Envelope Power: "PEP is the RMS RF power level at the peak of
the modulating waveform." "RMS"? Which is it: RMS or AVERAGE??
It's not a term I would use any more; but if the first sentence hadn't
tired you out, the rest of that sidebar would have told you exactly what
I meant by it.
Not getting confused, are you? ;-}
No, just getting more careful about writing things that can be
selectively misquoted :-(
73 from Ian G3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)