Crystal phasing & single signal reception
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?philo=A0?= wrote:
Well, even though the guy is a troll, I always try to make to best of
everything. Though I had known about the "homebrew" group I had never
before known of the existence of the "boatanchor" group.
Welcome! It is a good place! Traffic is much lower than it used to be,
but there are still plenty of interesting people hanging out here.
I can now relive the good old days.
Through the years I have gotten rid of most of my "boatanchors"
but happily still have my HQ-140-X
I had one of those when I was a novice and eventually did a horse-trade
for an R-388 that made me a lot happier, but you can't really complain
about any of those old rigs. You turn on the receiver and there are
people talking and after a few decades that's still pretty cool.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."