GeorgeF wrote:
Looking for plans for a 2 meter preamp which I intend on using for
144MHz SSB/CW work.
There are lots of published designs for low noise
preamps for 2M. The Mitsubishi MGF1302 seems to
be the most popular device for homebrew VHF/UHF
preamps. I use the MGF1302 in my preamps for
2M, 70CM and 23CM.
Use your favourite search engine to search for:
low noise GaAsFET preamp for 2M
See YU1AW's excellent designs at:
See W5UN's MGF1302 preamp at:
It must be very good because he can sometimes
hear my puny 250W to a single 9 element Yagi
on EME.
I would like it if the plans should also be able
to handle 100 Watts from the tranceiver.
For high power on VHF, you should use good
quality co-ax relays and a sequencer.
The ARRL handbook has some good designs for
2M preamps and an RX/TX sequencer.
73, C U on 2M.
Ed. EI9GQ.
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