Crystal phasing & single signal reception
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
On 8/25/2013 7:09 PM, gareth wrote:
"Percy Picacity" wrote in message
In article ,
"gareth" wrote:
You're still missing the point that in addition to the peak response,
also a deep null.
No I'm not! It can be adjusted with the 'phase' control to null a signal
*at IF* near to the wanted one. Adjusting the position of the null has
no affect on beat frequency with the wanted signal, or the beat
frequency of the unwanted signal (it gives the BFO a less strong IF
interfering signal to beat with but it does not affect the frequency of
the beat note, just the loudness). Tuning the BFO has no effect on the
null. The two controls do not interact, though they both have an affect
on readability.
Straw Man
To call you an idiot would be an insult to idiots everywhere.
Subscribe to ukra for a few weeks and you'll soon see that this is quite
lucid for Gareth. Wait till he gets going on the RSGB or the British tiered
licencing scheme...
If the above message is full of spelling mistakes or the snipping is duff,
it's probably because it was sent from my iPhone, likely whilst walking.