Crystal phasing & single signal reception
"Michael Black" wrote in message
On Tue, 27 Aug 2013, gareth wrote:
I refer you page 79 of the previously mentioned book.
I don't remember a book being mentioned.
11th edition of "Radio Handbook", 1947 edition (with endpaper adverts
for 1948) pub, Editos and Engineers Ltd, of Santa Barbara, Cal.
Those who claim that single-signal reception is due solely to the series
resonant peak
of the Xtal are quite wrong, because otherwies there'd be no need whatsoever
a notch facility.
This is what you should end up with ...
Wanted signal in the peak of series resonance.
Bfo adjusted on the HF side to give a pleasant tone.
Notch moved using the phasing control to be at the IF frequency that would
the audio image from the current BFO setting.
What I was after was the procedure to set the notch frequency, because
unless you have a narrow
CW filter in the AF strip, how would you judge that you'd created the same
AF heterodyne whistle?
TKS FER heads-up on Lamb, I'll follow that.