Crystal phasing & single signal reception
In article,
Michael Black wrote:
On Tue, 27 Aug 2013, Stephen Thomas Cole wrote:
I know, I had one, complete with manual, back in the 1980s. I don't
recall any difficulties tuning up, just don't key up* for more than a few
seconds at a time. Common sense, really.
* or should that be "key down"?
Hell, if he's really having trouble without the manual, there's plenty of
videos on YouTube of people demonstrating the necessary actions. Or he
could just pop down his local club and ask a friendly soul there to show
him how to operate it.
That keeps happening to me. I follow a link, and instead of some
interesting text, I'm supposed to watch a video like it's some cooking
show. Sure it lets the masses in, but at what cost?
Michael VE2BVW
I agree. When I was a kid (in UK) I saw little or no TV and I have never
really got into having 10 minutes of video to explain something that
takes 2 minutes to read about. Perhaps I wouldn't feel so strongly if
my Internet connection actually permitted me to download youtube videos
in real time, I could quickly glance at them, *then* find a proper text
Percy Picacity