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Old October 16th 04, 11:52 PM
Fred McKenzie
Posts: n/a

So, I dont know if the SSB filter is broken or that the some
oscillator is
off frequency by 500 Hz.
In the Service Manua, I did not found any way to play whith the
or the BFO frequency.


I have the older IC-706, which is most likely uses the same IF scheme as yours.
My first impression is that the most likely problem is a bad IF Filter.

While older equipment had separately adjustable USB, LSB and CW crystals that
were warped by the IF-Shift control, the IC-706 apparently gets its IF
converter frequency from a synthesizer that is controlled by the CPU. I don't
know how it is warped. It might be done digitally. If it is done by warping
the master oscillator, there is a possibility it is misadjusted, except I never
found such an IF adjustment procedure in the service manual.

If you happened to have one of the optional filters (or could borrow one), you
could see whether the problem follows the filter or the IF-Shift.

73, Fred, K4DII