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Old October 23rd 04, 07:47 PM
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XP won't let you use the ports, some security issue. "
Being a very secure operating system, Windows NT
assigns some privileges and restrictions to different types of
programs running on it.It classifies all the programs in to two
categories , User mode and Kernel mode ie; running in ring3 and ring0
modes. user mode programs are running in ring3 mode and Kernel mode
programs are running in ring0 mode. The programs you generally write
falls in the user mode category. The user mode programs are restricted
to use certain instructions like IN, OUT etc.. Whenever the operating
system find that a user mode program is trying to execute such
instructions , the operating system stops execution of those programs
and will display an error message." from

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 12:12:44 +0000 (UTC), Joe McElvenney


I'm keying my rig on RTTY via COM-1 of the computer but on
start-up none of the standard software packages can find a COM
port to use. If I go into 'Device Manager' though, delete a port
and then re-install it, everything works fine until next time.
This I guess means that the ports are not being initialised.

Has anyone come across this and is there a simple fix? I have
already asked this question in the appropriate OS group (Windows
XP Home) but to no avail.

Cheers - Joe, G3LLV