I don't think he gets it - if there is noise in his neighborhood - why blame it on the antenna?
The purpose of the YAGI antenna is to improve in one direction while causing rejection in another direction.
If noise is your problem - MOVE!
No one said you had to put up a antenna there.
I had power line noise, actually BBOP, which I solved after some discussion with the electric company, followed by a complaint to the PUC, followed by a complaint to the FCC.
In the end, it cost me $500.00 - because the electric company made me replace my service entrance - bad cable jacket.
The bottom line is - if you are intelligent enough to find the source of the noise and can eliminate that source, you shouldn't have noise anymore.
Most vertical antenna's are to DC ground.
Because they do not provide any rejection, they cannot physically have any gain. Although they might have characteristics like a antenna that does have gain.
I have proven a dozen times that I will talk just as far with a simple vertical antenna as many people will with a beam antenna. It is more about the location of the antenna then it is of the actual power level or the amount of gain of the antenna. I just happen to be in a better situation then most people when it comes to antenna's and two way communications.
No Kings, no queens, no jacks, no long talking washer women...