In article ,
Lar-r390a writes:
I'm restoring an R390A and it has a bad bandswitch in the RF deck. Does anyone have a trashed R390A RF deck w/good bandswitch (at least segments 2 and 3)? Thanks. Regards, Larry
Hmmm.... Let's see.
Well, I guess it depends on how soon you need it and what other parts
you might have to trade. :-)
I have 4 R390's. One functional (except for needing some tubes) and 3
for parts. I am hoping to come up with the needed parts from the group
to make a second functional R390. All of them appear to have functional
bandswitches. See where this is going? :-)
I may not be able to actually dig them out and look them over before
the holidays (and I am not talking Thansgiving here) if you can wait
and if you think you might have something I need to trade, I would be
more than willing to take out a bandswitch and send it to you.
What do you think?
Bill Gunshannon | de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n. Three wolves
| and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton |
Scranton, Pennsylvania | #include std.disclaimer.h