Before too much theorizing takes place, why not try just placing it in a
convenient location in the house -- you might be pleasantly surprised.
If that doesn't work, then, and only then, it becomes a technical
"amdx" wrote in message
I have a low power FM transmitter that I use for in my house and yard.
I want to put a 1/4 wave vertical on the roof of my home. The 1/4 wave
vertical will be made as many have seen from a UHF panel mount connector
with the vertical on the center pin and the four radials soldered to the
holes for the screws.
Like this,
Only bigger :-)
Looking at the pattern of a 1/4 wave vertical, I think I could best
cover my yard with the pattern upside down.
Can I mount the antenna upside down?
Is this feasible?
If I did turn it upside down, what would the feedline do to the pattern?
Is there a better physical layout to avoid pattern distortion caused by
the feedline?