Thread: DDS VFO plans
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Old October 31st 04, 04:46 PM
Posts: n/a

"VE3ELQ" wrote in message

would like to add a DDS VFO with LCD frequency readout


FAR Circuits has the PC board for the circuit described by WB2V in QEX.
This is pretty simple and works well, although the board quality from FAR
Circuits leaves something to be desired. I think you can also get a reprint
of the article from them. (

Another approach is to build something up from the DDS Daughtercard from
AmQRP. This little board deals with all the hard stuff, but you would need
to sort out driving it yourself. (
AmQRP's PIC-EL provides an LCD display and drive for the board and is well
documented on their site. (
However, the PIC-EL itself is no longer available (and more that what you
need, anyway). But the schematics and code on the site could provide you
with what you need to roll your own.

The DDS Daughtercard is a nice approach because it mostly handles the hard
part. Most of the DDS chips are only in TSSOP or smaller. Making a PCB
that fine is a little tough for most hobbyists. The Daughtercard has the
DDS chip, the oscillator to drive it, a regulator, and a little amplifier to
get the output up a tad. It plugs into a normal 0.1" header. The thing is
really tiny so you have a lot of packaging options.
