In article , "S C" writes:
I am in the process of designing an ATU yet am having difficulty in locating
a company who can supply a suitable Variable Capacitor.
At the moment the only ones I seem to find are trimming capacitors and I
require an item which is somwhat larger than that - E.g in the region of
about 680pF.
Any suggestions as to a suitable supplier would be grately appreciated.
Access the Ocean State Electronics website at
and you will find a number of variable capacitors (two pages worth in
their printed catalog). Their VC-250 and VC-2502 models are good
for just over 3 KV voltage breakdown. Quarter-inch shafts, almost
10 1/2 inches long. Inexpensive, no. Price is $70 and $80,
Smaller (lower voltage breakdown) single to multi-gang units are
available including a 4-gang which can be paralleled to get
800 pFd maximum.
Ocean State also has a number of hardware components for
rotary components from shaft couplers through panel bearings
through flexible shafts and on into vernier reduction drives.