To my knowledge, you can't use a Wilkinson divider or combiner for
signals at different frequencies or phases. It'll do something, for
sure, but it certainly won't function as a Wilkinson divider is intended
to. You won't have port-to-port isolation, and the loss will be much
greater than you'd get with simple dividing. You'll likely end up with
more power going into the resistors than out the ports, so I'd size the
resistors to handle the sum of all signals going in, unless you can
model it with SPICE or a similar program.
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
James Bond wrote:
question now bout these things!
if i built a 5 port device, what would be the insertion loss (so i can
calculate the power rating of the resistors)? would it be 3dB or 7dB (the
signals aren't in phase or anything, in fact they're different frequencies).
thanks again!
dr. x