"James Bond" wrote in message ...
if i built a 5 port device, what would be the insertion loss (so i can
calculate the power rating of the resistors)? would it be 3dB or 7dB (the
signals aren't in phase or anything, in fact they're different frequencies).
My guess would be 7 dB. But I would do like Roy says and model it
with Spice or whatever. Multi-way Wilknsons are just too bizarre for
my brain, though I have seen the occasional paper on the subject !
I did model a 2-way Wilkinson combiner (the microwave kind with real
transmission lines) with a single input signal and much to my (and
probably Roy's) surprise it was perfectly matched and had a 3 dB loss
from one of the two inputs to the common port.
Steve VE3SMA