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Old November 26th 04, 08:12 AM
Ian White, G3SEK
Posts: n/a

Avery Fineman wrote:
Is there a standard RF input level per "S" Unit?

If so, please post the location. Thanks.

There is an IARU recommendation, which originated in Region1
(Europe/Africa) and I believe has been adopted by IARU world-wide.

The Region 1 recommendation is:
Google should also bring up the full technical paper behind this, and
probably the current IARU recommendation. ISTR there's something on the
ARRL website too.

The 1990 Region 1 recommendation simply states that:

1. One S-unit corresponds to a signal level difference of 6 dB,

2. On the bands below 30 MHz a meter deviation of S-9 corresponds to an
available power of -73 dBm from a continuous wave signal generator
connected to the receiver input terminals,

3. On the bands above 144 MHz this available power shall be -93 dBm,

4. The metering system shall be based on quasi-peak detection with an
attack time of 10 msec +/- 2 msec and a decay time constant of at least
500 msec.

IARU functions very much like an In 2004, they are just
starting to think about the gap between 30MHz and 144MHz:

But all the other comments about S-meters are true as well: that no
S-meter actually conforms to this recommendation; that it makes no
practical difference; and that hardly anyone cares.

There's a very good web page with lots of practical measurements, at:

73 from Ian G3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)